Plot:- In the wake of a disaster, the tenants of an apartment building turn on one another in this thriller from director Xavier Gens. New York is hit by an unexpected nuclear attack, and Eva (Lauren German) and her husband Sam (Ivan Gonzalez) rush to the basement of their apartment block, believing the cellar is their best bet for safety. They soon discover the basement is the domain of building manager Mickey (Michael Biehn), who is a survivor of the 9/11 attacks and doesn't put much trust in anyone. Convinced venturing outside will kill them all, Mickey refuses to let anyone leave, and Eva and Sam are trapped with macho bully Josh (Milo Ventimigila), Josh's soft-spoken brother Adrien (Ashton Holmes), loudmouth Bobby (Michael Eklund), high-strung single mother Marilyn (Rosanna Arquette), Marilyn's daughter Wendy (Abbey Thickson), and an impatient man named Delvin (Courtney B. Vance). As the days in the basement turn to weeks and supplies of food and water run low, the neighbors become increasingly tense and violent; eventually, the men and women form cliques and turn against one another. The Divide received its world premiere at the 2011 South by Southwest Film Festival.
Directed by:- Xavier Gens
Produced by:- Ross M. Dinerstein,Michael Horn
Released Date:- 13 Jan,2011
Runing time:- 80 minutes
IMDB Rating:- 7.5/10
Official Site:- Still not available
Movie Category:- Horror,Sci-Fi , Thriller
Studio:- Anchor Bay Films
Writer:- Karl Mueller, Eron Sheean
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