Plot:- The Ghost Rider sequel is reportedly set several years after the first film and finds Johnny Blaze in self-imposed exile from the world. Blaze has become a tormented soul, convinced that his powers are a curse – which makes him completely different from every other superhero ever conceived (*cough, cough*).
Former stuntman Blaze is then approached by Moreau, a member of the monastic order of Michael, the warrior angel. Moreau seeks a protector for a mother and son duo (Nadva and Dannv, respectively) who are being pursued by a figure named Roarke – a fellow with a detailed knowledge of the Ghost Rider and his
David S. Goyer penned the second Ghost Rider flick, which will feature Crank directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor at the helm. The involvement of those talents behind the camera will surely make Ghost Rider 2 a different affair from its predecessor – but will it be good is the real question.
The mythology of the Ghost Rider figure could be interesting to explore, but if not done properly it could come off as unintentionally hokey and uninspired. Comic book fans are not exactly quivering with anticipation for Ghost Rider 2, so the filmmakers behind it will need to come up with more than just fancy 3D visuals and FX if they hope to convince the fanboys to give the sequel a shot..
Former stuntman Blaze is then approached by Moreau, a member of the monastic order of Michael, the warrior angel. Moreau seeks a protector for a mother and son duo (Nadva and Dannv, respectively) who are being pursued by a figure named Roarke – a fellow with a detailed knowledge of the Ghost Rider and his
David S. Goyer penned the second Ghost Rider flick, which will feature Crank directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor at the helm. The involvement of those talents behind the camera will surely make Ghost Rider 2 a different affair from its predecessor – but will it be good is the real question.
The mythology of the Ghost Rider figure could be interesting to explore, but if not done properly it could come off as unintentionally hokey and uninspired. Comic book fans are not exactly quivering with anticipation for Ghost Rider 2, so the filmmakers behind it will need to come up with more than just fancy 3D visuals and FX if they hope to convince the fanboys to give the sequel a shot..
Directed by:- Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Produced by:- Ashok Amritraj,Ari Arad,Avi Arad
Released Date:- 17 fab,2012
Running Time:- 110 minutes
IMDB Rating:- 5/10
Official Site:- Still not available
Movie Category:- Action, fantasy, Thriller
Studio:- Columbia Pictures
Writer :- Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, David Goyer
Star cast:-
Nicolas Cage
Idris Elba
CiarĂ¡n Hinds
Violante Placido
Christopher Lambert
Anthony Head
Johnny Whitworth
Fergus Riordan
Idris Elba
CiarĂ¡n Hinds
Violante Placido
Christopher Lambert
Anthony Head
Johnny Whitworth
Fergus Riordan
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